Chicken meat Form of packaging: naked block / polyblocknon-returnable wooden pallet / EURO wooden pallet / H1 plastic palletunit weight of the pallet of frozen products: 780 – 1,080 kg Kind of freezing: air freezing / contact Shelf lives: for frozen product: 6-12 monthsfor chilled product: 1 day Mechanically separated Mechanically separated red baader 3/4/5 mm Proteinno less than 14%Fatno more than 20%Waterno more than 70%Calciumno more than 800 mg/ kg Trimmings 3/4/5 mm Proteinno less than 15%Fatno more than 18%Waterno more than 70%Calciumno more than 400 mg/ kg Mechanically separated chicken meat Proteinno less than 12%Fatno more than 20%Waterno more than 75%Calciumno more than 1,000 mg/ kg Top-quality mechanically separated chicken meat Proteinno less than 14%Fatno more than 15%Waterno more than 75%Calciumno more than 1,000 mg/ kg Meat pieces: Chicken fillet Chicken leg Chicken drumstick Chicken skins Light chicken trimming Chicken thigh Chicken thigh with skin